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CV Senior buyer

Senior buyer

Plus de 10 ans d'expérience
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Réf. BE241118141370
95630 Meriel
Female Meriel Batiment France 95630 Meriel





Centres d'intérêts

Hiking, Playing Guitar, Kayaking

Ma recherche

Je recherche tout type de contrat, sur toute la région Ile de France, dans le Batiment.


CAP/BEP Administration commerciale
Bac +2
BTS Force de Vente

Expériences professionnelles

01/2024 - 12/2024 : Senior Buyer chez Stellantis Green Energy
Biomass, Heat pump, Geothermal, Photovoltaic, biogas project facilities
06/2016 - 06/2018 : Commodity Buyer chez Psa Groupe
Focus: Pistons and segments (APV: 261M€)
09/2012 - 12/2023 : Senior Commodity Buyer chez Stellantis
Global Responsibility: (EMEA, NA, SA, ASIA) - Lubricant (APV: 159M€): Engine oil, Gearbox Oil; Fluids (APV: 236M€): Refrigerant gas, Brake fluids, Coolant, screen wash, Additives; Purchasing Strategy: Create and Present Purchasing and Industrial Strategies to Management; Request For Quotation and Serial Production: Prepare RFQ and manage source package documentation; Launch RFQ and manage supplier pricing offers in accordance with the purchasing strategy; Negotiate pricing and target the achievement of 100% of the Annual Performance plan; Raw Material negotiation, Energy negotiation, Purchase contract and Protocol improvement; Assist in the management of technical reviews; Manage price discussions, logistics claims and quality claims; Project development: Assist in the implementation of new business and in the management of existing business activities; Supplier securisation: Participate in new supplier development; Manage dual sourcing where applicable, and help maintain security of supply; Manage resourcing activities; Management: Responsible for the management and development of junior buyer (>2008).
10/2003 - 09/2012 : Commodity Buyer chez Psa Groupe
Focus: Métalloplastics fastening systems (APV: 108M€), Metalic fastening systems (APV: 126M€)
01/2001 - 01/2003 : Buyer chez Carrefour
High Volume Canned Food Industry
01/1998 - 01/2001 : Buyer chez Isathy Metal
Steel Products
01/1995 - 01/1998 : Kam chez Usinor Sacilor
Steel Products
01/1993 - 01/1995 : Kam chez Hyster
Regional Forklift Sales and Rentals





Centres d'intérêts

Hiking, Playing Guitar, Kayaking

Atouts et compétences

Negotiation, Management, Supplier evaluation, Project management, Pack Office, SAP
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